Joi joins ICANN board

ICANN has just announced the nominations for ICANN board and Joi Ito was “selected” as the representive for Asia Pacific. I play a small role in recommending Joi to the nomination committee and also providing advises to him during the process. I am glad he was selected by the NomCom. Congulations and welcome to ICANN. […]

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IDA Random Musing

Busy week

It has been a busy with with APEC TEL 30 hosted by IDA/Singapore. For those who don’t know about APEC TEL, it is a group that meets once every quarter and reports to the TELMIN, a gathering of APEC IT Ministers. It has 4 steering committees looking at technology, business, liberalization and human resource development. […]

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Open Source ENUM SDK and Client

Got this in my inbox from APEET mailing list :-) JPRS released ENUM SDK and ENUM Client as Free Software. Please visit our Web site: ENUM Info from JPRS Software Libraries http://jprs.co.jp/enum/software/software.html ENUM SDK includes DLL for Windows and VB/VC++ sample code. ENUM Client is a reference application of ENUM using ENUM SDK. Based on […]

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Verisign’s suit dismissed

Yohoo! Verisign suit against ICANN (wrt to Sitefinder) is dismissed! :-) But then again, everyone (including Verisign I believe) expected this suit will go nowhere. IMHO, the other reason it is filed is to set a court precedence of what is within ICANN ‘jurisdiccion’ over Verisign and what’s not. As to that goal, Verisign has […]

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