Gmail supports Internationalized Email

Via GoogleBlog: But all that could change. In 2012, an organization called the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) created a new email standard that supports addresses with non-Latin and accented Latin characters (e.g. 武@メール.グーグル). In order for this standard to become a reality, every email provider and every website that asks you for your email address must adopt it. […]

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.test in 10 scripts

Wohoo! Finally we getting our IDN Top Level domains :-) Update: IDN .test Root-Zone Evaluation Specifically, the Board approved the delegation of eleven evaluative top-level domains representing the term ‘test’ translated into: Arabic, Persian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Russian, Hindi, Greek, Korean, Yiddish, Japanese and Tamil. Following this ICANN Board approval, the delegation request will […]

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IDN Travel

Beijing 24 hours

Arrived in Beijing yesterday. After a long jam, finally arrived in Haidian District (海淀区), put down my lungage and then head off to Minzu Hotel for dinner with Andy Jacobs who happens to be in Beijing for a company party at the Great Wall tonight. Went to CNNIC this morning to catch up with catch […]

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Books IDN


Prof. Goto gave me a copy of this book last week at the APAN meeting. It is a book about the history of IDN and the long journey we took to reach “日本語.jp”. :-) I wish my Japanese is good enough to read it tho. But flipping through the book, I saw names and photos […]

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APAN Day Zero

Someone left a comment asking me what’s APAN or Asia Pacific Advance Network. It is a meeting where AP network researchers get together to discussing advance networking issues and also a place where Advance Research and Education Network (AREN) (and also the GRID lately) people gather to discuss network collobration. SingAREN is the representative for […]

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IETF Day Four

Nakayama-sensei from Tokyo University shared a very pleasant story with me this morning. They runs a popular site called Live Eclipse that keeps track of eclipse schedule. The site also have an Japanese IDN 日食中継.jp which they publise concurrently. On the last eclipse, 9th April, they have over 2m hits in a single day. The […]

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IDN Travel

JiuZhaiGou Day 2

We managed to wrap up and conclude CDNC meeting by the morning (incidently, it is a good meeting – I am glad I am here!). So we decided to visit the famous 扎嘎瀑布 (Zhaga Waterfall) in the afternoon.    (you can see Prof. Qian waving if you look at the photo carefully ;-)

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IDN Travel


Woke up very early for CDNC meeting but what a view to wake up to:   (click here to see outside view) Anyway, we have a long day. But it is worth it as we achieved a lot. Looks like we going to have an exciting time ahead ;-)

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