Job Opening in IDA

There is a opening in my team in IDA for Senior Consultant, Enabler Technologies. Senior Consultant in the Technology Group is a pretty senior position equivalent to a ‘Senior Manager’. Candidates must have at least 5 years of ICT experience and deep technical knowledge in the Next Generation Network. It is definately a plus plus if you know the following technology: IPv6, IP Telephony, GRID, Virtualization, Semantic Web, Social Software etc.

If you are interested, send in your resume thru JobStreet or to me directly.

Since we are on this topic, let me say a bit what we do in IDA. Essentially, we monitor emerging ICT technologies especially disruptive technologies that has significant economic or social impact to Singapore. We would then evangelize the technology and prepare the top management (or higher) on the new trend and also assist in formulating strategies to leverage such technologies for Singapore benefit. In the last 2 years, my team have been responsible for several initiatives such as Open Source, Antispam and recently IP Telephony & ENUM.

In a way, we are also the trusted technology advisors to the management and other divisions within IDA. So while IT vendors would be telling how good such and such technology is we would be whisper to the management1 “actually hor…it is pure BS”. :-)

We are one of the smallest team in IDA under the CTO but our work is extremely important to ensure Singapore is not blind-sided by technology development. And the (almost) all-geeks team are innocent, fun-loving and are crazy over technologies and gadgets (like Dilbert :-).

1 Of course, we have to do our homework and that involves hands-on technology evaluation before giving any advises.

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