Investments Technology

On Iridum

Just posted a comment on BeyondSG (George Yeo blogs there btw) regarding Iridium. A Porsche for $750 bucks. Re-post here for archive purposes. I done a due diligence on Iridum for a banker in 2002. It was already pretty interesting back then. Iridium went backrupted in Aug 1999 and in Nov 2000 was bought out […]

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VC Podcast

Introducing VC-IO, a podcast by Levensohn Venture Partners. VC who do podcast! wow! VC-InsideOut opens a window into the venture capital industry through constructive dialogue and interviews with leading VCs, entrepreneurs, and other influential leaders involved with the VC world. VC-InsideOut episodes feature original content developed and produced by Pascal Levensohn, Keith Benjamin, Kip Sheeline, […]

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2003 Performance

2003 is a pretty good year for me. There was quite a few stocks which is quite badly beaten in the poor market sentiment despite their fundamentals. For example, I picked up Crayfish (email outsourcing company) for 60cent on a dollar just on their cash value alone and made over 100% profit when they annouce […]

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Woolstar suggested I should put my investment portfolio on Marketocracy. Marketocracy is a virtual mutual fund. Members are given 1,000,000 virtual cash to invest in stock market. If you perform well, they might actually hire you to be a fund manager! Interesting… One problem however, my current portfolio is not compliance with the diversification requirements […]

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Past Performances

I started stock investment seriously in 2001. I resisted buying anything in 1999 and 2000 because I just couldn’t find any stocks to buy using my investment strategy. The .com bubble burst in 2001 opens some opportunities to invest. I remember I couldn’t sleep for a few days the first time I bought some shares. […]

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