ENUM IDA Telephony VoIP

Its all about Numbers

Two news from IDA regarding numbers and numbers :-) 1. Public consultation on Number Portability (pdf) IDA intends to review the implementation for number portability for fixed line and mobile telecommunications services in Singapore. The review is in with IDA’s policy objectives of promoting competition in the infocommunications sector to benefit of consumers and businesses […]

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Finally, 1.e164.arpa has been formed, according to the press release last night ;-) For Immediate Release: Media Contact: Jackie Henson McKenna Long and Aldridge LLP 202-496-7549 jhenson@mckennalong.com TOP TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INTERNET COMPANIES FORM COUNTRY CODE 1 ENUM LLC TO FOSTER NEW INTERNET TELECOM TECHNOLOGY New Organization to Promote Development of Technology to Combine Internet with […]

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Open Source ENUM SDK and Client

Got this in my inbox from APEET mailing list :-) JPRS released ENUM SDK and ENUM Client as Free Software. Please visit our Web site: ENUM Info from JPRS Software Libraries http://jprs.co.jp/enum/software/software.html ENUM SDK includes DLL for Windows and VB/VC++ sample code. ENUM Client is a reference application of ENUM using ENUM SDK. Based on […]

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ENUM Internet


I have a very interesting dinner last night with Michael Robertson and Jeff Bonforte, CEO and President of SIPPhone.com respectively. Most people will know Michael as the founder of MP3.com and Lindows. They are in town for their big announcement with Singtel. (Yes, 1-747-xxx-xxxx will be routed from Singapore soon :-) It is a social […]

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