James’ Biography

James Seng is one of the Internet pioneers in Singapore and is recognized as an international expert in the Internet field. He gave regular speeches at International forum and participates actively in several standard organizations (such as ISO/IEC JTC1 and IETF) and also served on the board/committee of many Internet organizations.

Long version:

James started his career in 1993 at Technet, the first ISP in Singapore. He joined his mentor, Dr Tan Tin Wee (Internet Hall of Fame, 2014) where James is involved in numerous pioneering Internet projects, including AsiaOne, Cyberway, and Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).

The latter was spin-off from IRDU with US$24 millions funding from General Atlantic Partners and Verisign in 2000 and James become the CTO of the i-DNS.net. In the same year, James started the IETF Working Group and become the first Asian to be a Working Group chair in IETF history. James has attended most of the ICANN meetings since 1999.

In 2003, James was appointed as the Assistant Director of IDA responsible for Next Generation Internet. His team was responsible for various policy initiatives including IP Telephony, IPTV, Antispam and Social Media for Singapore.

In 2006, James founded Thymos Capital LLP, an early stage investment fund for Singapore technology startups.

In 2008, James joined PPTV in Shanghai as the CTO. Working hand in hand with the founder-CEO, In 2010, PPTV received US$250 millions investment from Softbank Japan and sold to Suning for US$750 millions in 2014.

In 2010, James founded Video-TX, a Beijing-based Online Video Platform (OVP) which he sold to HiSense in 2013. Video-TX is has become the Jamdeo Cloud which powered all the SmartTV, Tablets and Phones made by HiSense.

2014, James joined 21Vianet Group, Inc (NASDAQ:VNET) in 2014 as its Vice President of Technology Development.

James left 21Vianet to start his own investment firm in late 2015 focus on China companies and projects. He also travels extensively for his philanthropic work, dedicated to bring love and peace to the world.

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