ITU Travel

Online at last!

My god!.The 36 hours flight from Singapore to Brazil is still giving me nightmare! My throat, lips and even eyes is complete dried up due to low humility humidity in the plane. Drinking more water isn’t helping either. By the time I landed in Florianopolis, the only thing on my mind is ‘Oh dear..I am going to do this again on my way back’. Already, I feel regret making the trip at all…and pissing off my boss who has been trying (unsucessfully) to ground me for the last two months.

Thanks Anatel, the Brazilian regulator and host for the event is taking care of us pretty well. They actually sent a bus to pick me (and others) from the airport. Meeting the chief of the france regulator, the swiss regulator and director of ETSI on the bus and the conversation we have on the bus once again reminded me I am at an ITU event, where there are more politic then engineering problems.

The hotel is yet another nightmare. While the hotel (Port Da Ilha) booast of Wireless Internet access in the lobby and ADSL in every room, the reality is that the wireless internet is not accessible and the ethernet jack in my room aren’t even connected. *sigh* On the bright side, I am pretty impressed with the friendly Brazilian. Everyone I met, even strangers, are eager to help.

Dinner last night was hosted by Embratel. Have a lot of fun catching up with old friends and meeting new cool people. (Yes, there are cool people in ITU too). More about them later…

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