
These are very outdated. Will update on my latest projects when I have the time

  • Internationalized Domain Names-Open Source Software (IDN-OSS)
  • IDN Open Source Software (IDN-OSS) project to develop quality RFC-compliant software to support IDN capabilities in different applications (web browsers, email and instant messaging clients, etc) running on all major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Unix etc).
  • Drupal4Blogger
  • The purpose of ‘Drupal for bloggers’ is develop a customized version of Drupal which has features that typical movabletype (MT) bloggers are used to. This is based on Drupal 4.4.1 so it is pretty stable. The goal is to develop it to a stage where the default installation is a blogsite, with all the neccessary modules and hacks to make it user friendly (good enough to replace movabletype) at the sametime not touching any core drupal system so you can still use all the wonderful drupal plugins. (See also Drupal4Blogger category)
  • MT Plugins
  • Various MoveableType plugins mostly to combat comment spams
  • PonG (Discontinued)
  • PonG is a generic platform which utilizes opml to build xmlrpc services. Distributed Address Book List (DABL) (which runs ontop of PonG) allows you and your friends to keep up-to-date (contact) information of each another.
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