Futurist IDA

Singapore National Broadband Network

Several weeks ago, Dr Lee Boon Yang, Minister for Information, Communications And The Arts, announced the launch of the RFP National Broadband Network (NBN) project for Singapore. The NBN project comes with a carrot of S$750m is a passive optical network fiber to the home (FTTH) that “will offer pervasive and competitively priced ultra high-speed […]

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ENUM IDA Telephony VoIP

Its all about Numbers

Two news from IDA regarding numbers and numbers :-) 1. Public consultation on Number Portability (pdf) IDA intends to review the implementation for number portability for fixed line and mobile telecommunications services in Singapore. The review is in with IDA’s policy objectives of promoting competition in the infocommunications sector to benefit of consumers and businesses […]

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Singapore policy framework for IP Telephony

After working on it for almost two years, we finally got our IP Telephony policy framework. In the bid for lower costs, consumers are increasingly using the Internet and other Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks to make local and international voice calls, together with, or as alternatives to traditional fixed-line telephony. To advance Singapore’s development in […]

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Public Lecture by Dave Farber at SMU

SMU, working with my group in IDA, is organizing a public lecture by Dave Farber titled “The Technical and Societal Implications of Networking” on 22nd June. Involved with networking for over 45 years, Professor Farber has provided extensive guidance and advice on areas of high performance computing, communications and IT. In the year 2000, he […]

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iN 2015

A few days ago, IDA announced the next phase after Connected Singapore plan called iN 2015 (Intelligent Nation 2015)1, a IT masterplan for the next 10 years for Singapore for work, life and leisure. Unlike previous masterplan where it is done internally, this time IDA is engaging the community to provide input to this masterplan. […]

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IDA Technology

Interview with Digital Life

Last week, we had an interview with Aaran Tan (of Digital Life) in IDA. He is looking for something to write on Semantic Web so we took an opportunity to show him the Digital Content Exchange prototype. The article was published today. Overall, great article for a layman to understand Semantic Web (he removed all […]

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