Books Travel

Billionaire who wasn’t

Billionaire who wasn’t by Conor O’Clery A book about Chunk Feeney, the co-founder of Duty Free Shopping, ranked 23rd richest man who gave away all his money, mostly anonymously until people discover he don’t even own a house or a car. (Incidentally, I realized I was an indirect benefactor of Chunk after reading his book […]

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Communities Dominate Brands

Communities Dominate Brands by Tomi T. Ahonen & Alan Moore Actually I blogged about this book in 2005. But Tomi just send me the book with an autograph (thanks!), I am obligated to mention this book again. Although written two years ago, the content is still as relevant today as it is back then. In […]

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Books Travel

On my way….

It was a crazy back in Singapore. Less than 4 hours of sleep daily, running from meetings to meeting in the day time, and then chucking out reports in the evening and reviewing contracts in my sleep. Gosh, I havent even see my daughter and wife for the last 48 hours! Now, I am on […]

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Books IDN


Prof. Goto gave me a copy of this book last week at the APAN meeting. It is a book about the history of IDN and the long journey we took to reach “日本語.jp”. :-) I wish my Japanese is good enough to read it tho. But flipping through the book, I saw names and photos […]

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