Some news on VoIP

I know I am late…I saw it a couple of days ago but I was too busy to blog it then. Last week, I was thinking how nice would it be to have some sort of interface to Skype so new applications can be developed on a platform with 12M users (I said something similar […]

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Impact on VoIP

A European study shows that more people are jumping onto VoIP. Over 50 million western European consumers with a broadband Internet connection at home may use telephony software and special phones by 2008, British research group Analysys found. “The impact on traditional telephony providers’ revenues could reach 6.4 billion euros in 2008, representing 13 percent […]

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Finally, 1.e164.arpa has been formed, according to the press release last night ;-) For Immediate Release: Media Contact: Jackie Henson McKenna Long and Aldridge LLP 202-496-7549 jhenson@mckennalong.com TOP TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INTERNET COMPANIES FORM COUNTRY CODE 1 ENUM LLC TO FOSTER NEW INTERNET TELECOM TECHNOLOGY New Organization to Promote Development of Technology to Combine Internet with […]

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