Random Musing


Today is suppose to be a holiday in Singapore – It is the National Day. Holiday..Ha! I think I had five “business” meeting today. -_-;; Lunch was fun: with a bunch of very experience technoprenuers (lots of radio guys :) who now went on to run their own company or now helping others to start […]

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Books IDN


Prof. Goto gave me a copy of this book last week at the APAN meeting. It is a book about the history of IDN and the long journey we took to reach “日本語.jp”. :-) I wish my Japanese is good enough to read it tho. But flipping through the book, I saw names and photos […]

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Random Musing

The original community FTTH

I had a dinner with Brough Turner last night. Brough is the founder and CTO of NMS Communications, a NASDAQ listed mobile application and infrastructure company. I really enjoyed our conversation that covers from all things technie from mobile to net neutrality. But above all, the story of the original community fiber project in Sweden […]

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