Random Musing


Today is suppose to be a holiday in Singapore – It is the National Day.

Holiday..Ha! I think I had five “business” meeting today. -_-;;

Lunch was fun: with a bunch of very experience technoprenuers (lots of radio guys :) who now went on to run their own company or now helping others to start theirs. It was also in a way strange because one of them is with a company that I keep coming across lately and wondering who they are. And bingo, there is the guy who did the deal.

Charles Lee is also in town so we met up for dinner. And thanks to Charles, I get to watch the National Day fireworks from the Executive floor of Swissotel. It was an amazing view. But in the excitment of our discussion, I forgot to take any photo! *sigh*

Oh yea, also met up with an former colleague who told me one of the presentations I did a year ago is now being highly appreciated. In fact, it is going right to the top. “Very high up” is what he said. I guess it is going on to Cabinet :-)

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