
Day 4 in Kuala Lumpur

It is a busy day packed with meetings from 8am to 11pm. With an early meeting with PIKOM followed by keynote panel (Dave Crocker and Suguru Yamaguchi) then Internet Exchange SIG before skipping lunch to attend APIA AGM. After an hour break, I hop into VoIP session and then went off chair the the ENUM/SIP […]

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Day 3 in Kuala Lumpur

I woke up early this morning, maybe too much beer last night. Or perhaps I was excited over the panel I am suppose to be with Dave Crocker on SPF and antispam. Our offline debates have been colourful so I couldn’t wait for the real thing. But as it turned out, the panel was shifted […]

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Day 2 in Kuala Lumpur

The funs begin today with friends started to arrive and doing the usual “Hey hi!”, “When you arrived?”, “How’s your flight” etc etc. I am also getting a lot of “Oh, how’s your baby?” :-) Spend the morning at a ad-hoc session called by Kilnam on “Native Names” which is kind of related to IDN […]

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Day 1 in Kuala Lumpur

Technically, Day 1 is yesterday but I spend most of the day with Tommy, just chatting about things. Other then the shock we have when the hotel staff informed us that the 9 hole golf game will cost us RM1,500 (400USD), nothing else happened. :-) So, back to topic, I spend day 1 stuck in […]

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Going to APRICOT

Just packed my luggage. Next stop is Hotel Intercontinental where I will pick up Tommy Matsumoto and then fly to Kuala Lumpur with him for APRICOT. This is going to be an extremely busy meeting for me, attending APSTAR retreat and numerous APIA/APRICOT board and members meetings. I am also going to do presentations at […]

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Open Source Travel

Japan Day 3

Today is an easy meeting too. We spend some time to go through the resolution one by one to clean it up. Then we pass the resolutions fairly easily and wrap up the meeting by noon! Yeap! Oh, I also got a pleasant surprising getting an invitation to hook by from Theodore Ts’o who is […]

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Open Source Travel

Tokyo and Luggage

I am flying to Tokyo in a few hours time for the ISO/ITC JTC1/SC22 Linux Rapporteur Group. As the name suggest, the group is going to create ISO standards for Linux. I couldn’t wrap my head around this initially, considering most people prefer Linux to be on ISO disk instead. But I think there is […]

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