
Day 3 in Kuala Lumpur

I woke up early this morning, maybe too much beer last night. Or perhaps I was excited over the panel I am suppose to be with Dave Crocker on SPF and antispam. Our offline debates have been colourful so I couldn’t wait for the real thing. But as it turned out, the panel was shifted to Thrusday :P

We have a APIA board meeting tieing up some loose end before our AGM tomorrow. This is followed by a presentation from WAIA to host APRICOT 2006 in Perth. The night social event is the highlight of the day. Finally, I get to catching up with old friends, getting to know new ones and having numerous very interesting discussions. Like the discussion on WSIS with Qian Hualin (from CNNIC and also ICANN board) or Peering situation in Asia Pacific (particularly Singapore) with Bill Norton (founder of Equinix). Lots of info to digest and to think about…

After social, I headed to the terminal room, hoping to get my email and blog done only to realize the network is down. Philip Smith and Randy Bush comes to the rescue a few minutes later and they started debugging the routes until all of us have a shock when we find this entry in the BGP table. Yes, a /6 aggregation (equivalent of 4 class A) in a 168 (Class B) block :-)

And no, apparently, that is not a mistake. Wow!!

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