APAN Day Zero

Someone left a comment asking me what’s APAN or Asia Pacific Advance Network. It is a meeting where AP network researchers get together to discussing advance networking issues and also a place where Advance Research and Education Network (AREN) (and also the GRID lately) people gather to discuss network collobration. SingAREN is the representative for […]

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Solaris & Mac

Jonathan is inviting Steve to use Solaris as the base OS for Mac: So I’d like to personally invite you to adopt Solaris 10 as the underpinning of the next generation Mac. We both respect Unix, both respect innovation*, and both clearly see volume opportunities in extending choice to developers. We’d love to work together. […]

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The tail wagging the dog

Remember the days you buy a CD player bundled with a free headphone? That’s just barely a decade ago. Today, you buy a headphone and get a free CD player1. This is very much like Criagslist looking to offer news or as someone said “the classified eating the rest of the papers”. How technology and […]

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