via Telecom Asia The emergence of VoIP apps like Skype isn’t just bothering fixed-line telcos – the prospect of VoIP over wireless LANs is making cellcos nervous too. Some see it as a threat, some as an opportunity, but many see it as inevitable and something that can’t be ignored. “VoIP is a huge threat, […]
Notmad Explorer
Sick of the crappy music organizers that comes with Creative MP3 players? Well, check out NotMad Explorer, a software companion for Creative Nomad, MuVo, Zen etc. It is not iTunes but it probably make it easier to live with a Creative MP3 players. By posting this, I dunno if I am helping Creative or slaming […]
Streaming is stupid
Via Joi Ito: I’m listening to Andrew Odlyzko giving a talk right now about why Quality of Service (QoS) and real-time streaming is stupid. He showed a slide showing that P2P and other traffic are generally transmitting files at faster speeds than their bit rates. Basically, if you cache and buffer, you can have outages […]
Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne
SHA-1 broken
From Bruce Schneier: SHA-1 has been broken. Not a reduced-round version. Not a simplified version. The real thing. The research team of Xiaoyun Wang, Yiqun Lisa Yin, and Hongbo Yu (mostly from Shandong University in China) have been quietly circulating a paper announcing their result SHA is a US standard hash function which is used […]
Man don’t get it
I been scretching my head for a while what to get for my wife for Valentine – handphones, PDA, Tiffany – been there done that. Used to send her flowers but that was before the wedding. But when my wife hinted to me she wanted a mini-oven, I thought she was joking. It’s so boring […]
Blocking VOIP
The expected has happened: LECs (Local Exchange Carriers) started to block Vonage (or SIP in general) to protect their telephony services. (via Slashdot). What was surprisingly is how stupidly they did this – they could just do a bit of trottling, limited the bandwidth, drop a few packets now and then, and it would take […]
Don’t disable IDN
I couldn’t put it better so I won’t. From Paul Hoffman: Reading the ensuing Slashdot and other coverage gave me the feeling that nearly everyone talking was from the US, UK, or Australia, the three countries that have the least native need for IDNs. It also became clear that few of the folks in the […]
Eat your magazine
New Scientist has an article about a Chef who loaded fruit and vegetable concoction into a printer and loaded edible papers made of soybean and potato starch and then print out images he has downloaded from the web. And Cantu’s ideas go much further. He plans to cook steak by using a hand-held laser to […]
Definition of Internet Governance
Since WGIG has avoided the topic of “what is Internet Governance”, let me point to a few posting I made regarding this topic on the APDIP IGOVAP mailing list. Mechanism of Internet Governance 17th Jan 2005 Mechanism of Internet Governance 25th Jan 2005 strategic policy priorities? 29th Jan 20051 another discussion about management of root […]