GSM – watch VoIP

via Telecom Asia

The emergence of VoIP apps like Skype isn’t just bothering fixed-line telcos – the prospect of VoIP over wireless LANs is making cellcos nervous too. Some see it as a threat, some as an opportunity, but many see it as inevitable and something that can’t be ignored.

“VoIP is a huge threat, but it’s one that’s coming from outside of the constraints of the mobile environment,” said Mike Mulica, president and CEO of BridgePort Networks during a panel session discussing the ramifications of VoIP on the mobile sector at the 3GSM World Congress in Cannes on Thursday. “Skype and these converged voice/data models are providing a low-cost alternative to voice substitution for in-building minutes of use that allows you to go to a low-cost model.”

Read the whole article – Good read. Particularly, note the part where John O’Connell (CEO of Kineto Wireless) said “I think that within three to five years, everyone in this room will have a Wi-Fi enabled handset. During that time, there’ll be a lot of things happening to drive it along the lines of Skype and Vonage. If you sit and do nothing, that’s probably a mistake.

Remember me about last year at Supernova where I asked the audience how many have WiFi SIP phone and only a few raise their hand. Next week at APRICOT, we going run a trial with SIP/ENUM and giving out WiFi handset!

Now imaging what will happen 3 years later…

Speaking of which, let me help Kevin advertise about Supernova 2005. Supernova 2004 is absolutely one of the best conference I been to – a small crowd but with lots of interesting folks!

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