IETF Day Four

Nakayama-sensei from Tokyo University shared a very pleasant story with me this morning. They runs a popular site called Live Eclipse that keeps track of eclipse schedule. The site also have an Japanese IDN 日食中継.jp which they publise concurrently. On the last eclipse, 9th April, they have over 2m hits in a single day. The […]

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IETF Travel

IETF Day Two

Spend the morning in Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies (ecrit) WG meeting. Basically, the working group is looking to handle emergency services (police, fire, ambulance etc) over the Internet. Very appropriate too considering US has now mandated emergency service and in the long term, we do need an pure IP-based emergency services when we […]

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IETF Travel

IETF Day One

I missed a couple of IETF and oh man, so many things to catch up! Anyway, here are some interesting happenings, in no particular order, in the last 24 hours: – Did a presentation on Internationalized eMail Address earlier at the AppArea meeting and got my 5min of fame (literally haha). Then spend the next […]

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JiuZhaiGou Day 3

If sitting on the bus for 6 hours is bad, try walking for 6 hours :P That’s what we did yesterday walking through JiuZhaiGou Valley. But gosh, it is worth it!   (Bamboo Lake is the place where they filmed the beautiful water scene in Hero (英雄))

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IDN Travel

JiuZhaiGou Day 2

We managed to wrap up and conclude CDNC meeting by the morning (incidently, it is a good meeting – I am glad I am here!). So we decided to visit the famous 扎嘎瀑布 (Zhaga Waterfall) in the afternoon.    (you can see Prof. Qian waving if you look at the photo carefully ;-)

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IDN Travel


Woke up very early for CDNC meeting but what a view to wake up to:   (click here to see outside view) Anyway, we have a long day. But it is worth it as we achieved a lot. Looks like we going to have an exciting time ahead ;-)

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