
Going to APRICOT

Just packed my luggage. Next stop is Hotel Intercontinental where I will pick up Tommy Matsumoto and then fly to Kuala Lumpur with him for APRICOT. This is going to be an extremely busy meeting for me, attending APSTAR retreat and numerous APIA/APRICOT board and members meetings. I am also going to do presentations at […]

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Open Source Travel

Japan Day 3

Today is an easy meeting too. We spend some time to go through the resolution one by one to clean it up. Then we pass the resolutions fairly easily and wrap up the meeting by noon! Yeap! Oh, I also got a pleasant surprising getting an invitation to hook by from Theodore Ts’o who is […]

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Open Source Travel

Tokyo and Luggage

I am flying to Tokyo in a few hours time for the ISO/ITC JTC1/SC22 Linux Rapporteur Group. As the name suggest, the group is going to create ISO standards for Linux. I couldn’t wrap my head around this initially, considering most people prefer Linux to be on ISO disk instead. But I think there is […]

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IDN Internet Travel


I am flying tonight to Dubai to give a presentation on IDN at the RIPE-NCC meeting (the European Regional Internet Registries). I will be talking abit on IDN-OSS, hopefully getting more support for the project. :-) You can find my presentation here. This is my first trip to Dubai. Heard a lot of good stuff […]

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Day seven in Japan

This is my last day in Japan. Nevertheless, the days are still as havoc as ever. I have an early breakfast with Keith from ANU and both of us recapped some of the interesting tibits from the ACT conference. Particularly, the energy group reminded all of us that energy is now one of the basic […]

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