
Day seven in Japan

This is my last day in Japan. Nevertheless, the days are still as havoc as ever.

I have an early breakfast with Keith from ANU and both of us recapped some of the interesting tibits from the ACT conference. Particularly, the energy group reminded all of us that energy is now one of the basic neccessarity like food, water and shelter. War has been fought over energy (oil)…

Which reminds me how vulnerable Singapore is. Economically speacking, Singapore is very successful and certainly most Singaporeans are very proud of that. Hence, Singaporeans could be pretty arrogrant with our neighbours. But many of us also forget that of the 4 basic neccessities, food, water, energy and shelter, Singapore has to import 3 of them (and even shelter is debatable…). Without these, there is no economic success to speak of.

If we continue our arrogance, it is a matter of time our neighbours would start wondering why they should continue supplying us these neccesities, regardless what is stated in the contract. We should be aware of our vulnerablities and our dependences on others for our basis neccesities. “No man is an island” is ironically an important statement for an island like Singapore.After breakfast, did a quick checkout to rush to a meeting with Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications (MPHPT) which I was told is just plainly “soumu” in Japanese. Others like to called it “the long name ministry”.

Another meeting in KDDI Lab with Konishi-san before taking the Narita Express to catch my evening flight to Singapore. I should arrive in Singapore after midnight. Oh yea, no inflights movies tho. Still got to prepare a presentation for tomorrow….

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