Peace …

Finally, after nearly 8 years of tug-of-war, ITU finally comes to terms that it needs to work with ICANN as I noted a few years ago (here and here). The Internet should continue to be overseen by major agencies including ICANN and the ITU, rather than any new “superstructure,” the new head of the International […]

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Competitive Addressing

Since Houlin Zhao (Director of ITU-TSB) proposed the country-based approach towards IPv6 allocation, there have been several forums with debates on the topic. As expected, many of the the “Internet people” rejected the idea outright mostly on prejudge bias. Few are able to put forward very concrete answer to ‘but what’s wrong with the idea […]

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Global Broadband Pentration

Okay, this maybe an old news, only found it in my email when I was clearing them out. (Sorry Bob!) – ITU has just released its new statistics on global broadband penetration as of 1 January 2005. Not sure the rest of the statistic but the line for Singapore looks a bit funny – perhaps […]

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ITU on Internet Governance

There is an article on CNet with a misleading title The U.N. thinks about tomorrow’s cyberspace The International Telecommunication Union is one of the most venerable of bureaucracies. Created in 1865 to facilitate telegraph transmissions, its mandate has expanded to include radio and telephone communications. But the ITU enjoys virtually no influence over the Internet. […]

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Internet ITU

Summary of WTSA 2004

ITU has a good summary of the WTSA including the several Internet issues discussed in my previous entry. (via ITU SPU) The two main topic of the whole assembly could be summaries as (1) NGN (aka the move to packet-switch network) and (2) Internet issues (aka Spam, ENUM, IDN and ccTLD).

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