It was a crazy back in Singapore. Less than 4 hours of sleep daily, running from meetings to meeting in the day time, and then chucking out reports in the evening and reviewing contracts in my sleep. Gosh, I havent even see my daughter and wife for the last 48 hours! Now, I am on […]
Author: jseng
What is a Media?
Just remembered a conversation I had with a friend who now works for the agency that regulate the media in Singapore a few weeks ago. The debate we had is “What is a Media?”. Anyway, he holds the view that all these “New Media” stuff he heard are just nonsense, that it is nothing more […]
Gartner Hype Cycle 2006
Gartner just publish their latest hype cycle for 2006 and their shortlist of IT technologies to watch. 1. Web 2.0 : Social Network Analysis (SNA), Ajax, Collective intelligence, Mashup 2. Real World Web : Location-aware technologies, Location-aware applications, Sensor Mesh Networks 3. Applications Architecture : Event-driven Architecture (EDA), Model-driven Architecture, Corporate Semantic Web Web 2.0 […]
Website and Marketing Gibberish
I was often asked to help to look at some company. Google was obvious the starting point which would more likely than not find me the company website. Now, it is really useful that there is an unspoken practice to have a “About Us” (or somethng similar) link on a well designed company website. It […]
The players in Net Neutrality
Believe in Net Neutrality Do not believe in Net Neutrality Believe in Regulation Fair Market ThinkersBelieve there is a market failure and that government should step in to ensure fair and level playing field Bell-HeadsWant a Two-Tier Internet Do not believe in Regulation Net-HeadsWant Net Neutrality but do not want government to regulate the Internet […]
Today is suppose to be a holiday in Singapore – It is the National Day. Holiday..Ha! I think I had five “business” meeting today. -_-;; Lunch was fun: with a bunch of very experience technoprenuers (lots of radio guys :) who now went on to run their own company or now helping others to start […]
Finding a new comfort zone
Lately, I find I have less and less opportunity to write about what I am doing or my interest. Having to blog while under Official Secrets Act may seem like a challenge but surprisingly I find it harder to do so now than ever. Perhaps I was more familiar with my work back then before […]
MacOSX on Intel
A few days ago, I got a few hours spare so I got myself a new Mac…well, kind of. I got Mac OSX running on my HP Pavillion. Nope, it is not those hacks you do to make your Windows look like a Mac (I did that two years ago). Or the super slow […]
Prof. Goto gave me a copy of this book last week at the APAN meeting. It is a book about the history of IDN and the long journey we took to reach “日本語.jp”. :-) I wish my Japanese is good enough to read it tho. But flipping through the book, I saw names and photos […]
Senator Ted Stevens & Net Neutrality
Remember the Senator Ted Stevens’ speech about the “Internet is a tube“? The joke is going around including a techno tube rap :-) Even Jon Stewart chipped in :-) “You don’t know jack *bleep* about computers or the Internet. Hey, that’s OK. You’re just the guy in charge of regulating it.” – Jon Stewart. How […]