Random Musing Travel

Supernova 2004 Day 1

Finally, I understand why Supernova has a “Get Connected” tagline. (Oh, check out Supernova blog. Fast Company also have a very good blog transcripting the event.) The human network here is incredible, many cool people, many CEOs, MDs and VCs and many bloggers. And it is nice to meet some old friends (John Patrick, Adam […]

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Flying to Bay Area

I am packing my stuff and flying to Bay Area in a few hours time. I will be attending Supernova 2004 and also Apple World Wide Developer Conference 2004 and meeting some pretty cool people! Oh, please sign up for pre-conference dinner which is open to anyone whether you’re going to attend Supernova or not. […]

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APT-ITU Brunei

This is my second day in Brunei for the APT-ITU workshop. I am here to give two presentation, ENUM yesterday and IDN today. The experience so far has so-so but I am glad to catch up with so many friends and have many interesting conversations. Particularly, yesterday APEET dinner/meeting was fun! After the quick and […]

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Day 5 in Kuala Lumpur

First thing first, a friend pointed out that the ITU comissioned paper didn’t missed the point about “Internet Governance”. I went back to look at it again in detail and realized my mistake. My sincere apologises. I started the day very early with APRICOT AC discussion of the venue for APRICOT 2006. It was a […]

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