Random Musing Travel

Fahrenheit Reservation

keith-teare.jpgReservation : An arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance as defined in dictionary.com but apparently not the same definition used by San Francisco Marriott who cancel my room reservation. They bumped me to the Palomar Hotel across the road for tonight and I still have problem for Monday night. This really sux!

Anyway, despite this, it has been an eventful day. After Supernova ended yesterday (oh, many people told me my duckie was really cool!), I went over to Keith Teare’s house for dinner. We went back quite a bit, back when he is still CEO of Realname. He just resigned as CEO of Santa Cruz Network and looking for new stuff to do.

fahrenheit911.jpgAfter a nice breakfast and saying goodbye to his two lovely boys, I went over to Palo Alto and have lunch with Maynard. Maynard is another old friend of mine who just moved to the Bay Area and now working for HP. After a visit to Frys and amazed by zBoard, we went to watch the controvisal Fahrenheit 9/11 (hey, if I dont watch it here, I dont know if it will ever reach Singapore). While the show could be pretty manipulative in the story telling at times, Michael Moore did a great job putting the clips together with candidness and humor. The audience applaused at the ending….Outstanding and highly recommended!

After the show, I rush over to have dinner with David Conrad, Adam Peake and Roberto Berger and their other halfs. Rushing is a bad idea especially when the italian restaurant is very well-hidden and it does not help when the GPS gives wrong directions. I ended up nearly 1 hour late and I feel pretty bad. Randy informed the group he tendered as CTO of Nominum but haven’t give much thoughts what he is going to do next. While I began to worried a pattern forming (friends resigning from their job whenever I meet them), Bob told us he raised 8M USD for his startup in a Round A. Yes, Round A…feels like dotcom all over altho he really need/deserve that…Congralutions! :-)

1 The picture above is from a scene from F911 : Michael Moore, with an army recruiter (not in the pic) is about to request Congressman John Tanner to send his sons to Iraq. Some of the facial expressions are unforgettable :-)

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