Internet Random Musing Travel

Exciting weeks to come…

Supernova 2004 -- June 24-25, Santa Clara, CAThe next few weeks would be pretty hectic and exciting for me. We invited Dave Farber1 to Singapore for CommunicAsia 2004. Yeah!

The week after, I will be flying to the Bay Area on 21st to attend Supernova 2004. I have been looking forward to Supernova and meeting all the cool people. I will be speaking at the “Telecom Transformation: Voice as a Data Application” session, together with Jeff Ganek (CEO of Neustar) and Niklas Zennstrom (CEO of Skype). It is going to be exciting. Joi is also planning a Supernova dinner although he won’t be able to make it this year.

Then I will stay over the weekend in San Francisco to attend the Apple World Wide Developer Conference 2004 (I am invited as an VIP) to hear Steve Job’s keynote before heading back to Singapore on the 29th.

My only regret is not being able to attend Supercomm 2004 in Chicago as I am already engaged on 22nd and 23rd. Nevertheless, the next few weeks is going to be fun!

1 Just got news Dave may have some trouble getting here. I hope everything is okay with him.

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