
Day 5 in Kuala Lumpur

First thing first, a friend pointed out that the ITU comissioned paper didn’t missed the point about “Internet Governance”. I went back to look at it again in detail and realized my mistake. My sincere apologises.

I started the day very early with APRICOT AC discussion of the venue for APRICOT 2006. It was a tough decision with two excellent bid from Australia and India. It was a tough decision but at the end, we decide to hold 2006 in India. I hope WAIA would try again in future..their bid was one of the best we seen ever.

Next, I attended the IPv6 Summit where Arano-san announced the formation of Asia IPv6 Task Force. I was on the keynote panel chaired by Prof. Jun Murai and my fellow panelist include Dr Vincent Chen (TWNIC and IPv6 Taiwan) and Dr Mohamed Awang Lah (CEO of Jaring). Prof. Jun Murai was excellent in guiding the discusison of the panel and we concluded with a couple of initiatives to promote IPv6 in the region.After that, I attended the APCAUCE to give an update on Singapore anti-spam initiative. To be exact, I didn’t say much since a lot of the things we do are not public information yet. I also helped Mengwong to give a presentation on SPF at the panel discussion. I am tired by the time but I think it well okay. Dave Crocker (who is also on the panel) rattles about the danger of SPF (some I agree, some I don’t) and went on to advocate on Domain Key (advocated by Yahoo!) and Dave Harris was rattled about the danger of Sender-Pay Email (e.g. Penny Black). Ah, the problem of too many solutions :-)

I am flying back to Singapore tonight…It has been a long week. Productive and Fun. :-) See you at APRICOT 2005 in Kyoto, Japan.

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