
September 3rd, 2004

Drupal 4 Blogger v0.11

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Just release Drupal for Bloggers V0.11. One of the new feature in this release is an inclusion of a greylisting (administer->comments->black/white list).

The story behind this is there is this spammer (by the name of Chan Keng Yik1) who google for ‘Bill Gates’ and somehow found one of my old blog entry. Initially, he just spam the entry which I zapped. But somehow, the idiot actually thought that this is actually Gates’ blog and started visiting that entry daily and posting silly craps, e.g. anti-MS, pro-Linux2, taunting Gates and stupid stuff like how he wants to migrate to Australia in extremely bad English.

Well, I could blacklist his IP at my website and be done with it. But he is a dial-up user from one of the Malaysia ISPs, I have to blacklist the entire ISP if I want to block him out which is obviously not an acceptable solution.

And thats how greylisting idea is borned. Instead of outright banning, comments from blacklisted IPs will be put onto moderated queue. So he can continue to post his craps to that entry which don’t get publish. The downside is that any comments from Malaysia would be on the moderation queue until I okay them…not a big problem.

After a week of posting and not getting thru, he finally gave up. *phew*

1 I didnt put up any link to him so he wont get any google juice from me. But you can easily google Chan Keng Yik (from Taiping/Malaysia) if you are interested.

2 If the stupid “bird” (as he called himself) actually reads my blog, he would have realize I am an OSS supporter altho I wouldn’t call myself an anti-MS. (And why should these two position be mutually exclusive?)
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August 15th, 2004

My blogrolls


Sunday Times have an interview with the famous (notorious?) Singapore blogger xiaxue. Yes, I don’t just read technology related blogs like Joi Ito, John Patrick or Dan Gillmor. I also read foul-mouthed 20 year old girl who constantly bitch about her life.

Speaking of my blogrolls, another worthy of mention is Mr Brown (blogger turn journalist) who started blogging in 1997, before the word “blogging” is invented. His work of fame is the Singapore National Education, a series of political satire “documenting the dysfunctional side of Singapore life”.
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July 10th, 2004

Some news from this little Island


I don’t normally blog news in Singapore because there isn’t a lot of exciting news (and also I seldom read local newspaper anymore). But there are interesting two news in Straits Times today.

First of all, 24 bloggers will be blogging live from National Day Parade (9th Aug) on While it is common for high-tech conferences to have a blog on the side, it is pretty cool for NDP committee embracing blogging as a media (together with TV and radio ;-)

Acting as ‘eyes and ears’ at the big birthday bash, they will send text and picture messages through their mobile phones to the parade website, to keep people in the thick of the action at the National Stadium.

Not only that, anyone can also moblog the National Day Parade *grin*

Mobile phone users, except those using pre-paid cards from M1 and StarHub, will be able to post their own comments on the mobloggers’ sites and chat via SMS with the mobloggers.

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July 9th, 2004

Michael Powell’s blog


Got the news that Michael Powell, chairman of FCC started a blog on AlwaysOn (via Interesting-People)

I am participating in Always On Network’s blog to hear from the tech community directly and try to get beyond the traditional inside the Beltway Washington world where lobbyists filter the techies. I am looking forward to an open, transparent and meritocracy-based communication— attributes that bloggers are famous for!?

Check out what he is blogging! Welcome onboard, Sire!

Just one comment: Why Always On, a supposingly blogging site “Powered by Geeks like you” yet operated just like a news site. (No, it is worst! It doesn’t provide any RSS feeds for each author and forcing you to register to do anything more). I can understand you probably want a hosted service but Typepad and would be so much nicer.

July 2nd, 2004

Another idea for comment spam


Dave Winer have another interesting idea to deal with comment spams.

Here’s a free idea I had the other day while cleaning up a spewage of comment spam. What if comments, by default, were deleted after 24 hours? What if the owner of the site had to check a box in order for a comment not to be deleted? That way if a comment had lasting value, the owner of the site could make sure it sticks around.

Interesting..I should try to implement this in my Drupal 4 Blogger :-)

July 2nd, 2004

Jonathan Schwartz’s Weblog


Jonathan Schwartz, the President and COO of Sun Microsystems, now has a weblog (via Kevin Werbach). Jonathan was one of the keynote speaker at Supernova and I am very impressed with his soft-spoken, but smart and thoughtful evangelism. I am going to enjoy reading his blog.

ps: Oh yea, Tim Bray has a entry on the anxiety this cause within Sun. Well, he is the president of the company afterall :-)

June 23rd, 2004

The average blogger may not be that 13 years old girl


Read more in this eMarketer article about who are the Bloggers (via Loic)

“Exactly 61% of the blog readers that responded to the survey are over the age of 30, and 75% make more than $45,000 a year. In fact, nearly 30% of the respondents are between the ages of 31 and 40, and over 37% spanned the ages of 41 to 60. And nearly 40% have a household income of $90,000 or higher.”

June 23rd, 2004

Migrated to Drupal

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I finally migrated to Drupal 4 Blogger today. It is about time that I do this myself and eat my own dog food. Hopefully this would help to dig out the bugs but so far, so good! But I dont promise this to be perfect so please report any problem and bear with it for a while.

I look forward doing blogging without having to wait for rebuilding and without MT hogging 99% of the CPU when rebuilding. :-)

ps: Oh yea, migration is done using mt-to-drupal.

June 12th, 2004

MT to Drupal Migration Tool

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I just hack up an alternate method to migrate from MT to drupal. Download mt2drupal.tar.gz.

This is a perl script written as an MT-plugin, utilizing on MT libraries to export the data directly into Drupal database (limitation: only for MySQL for now). So unlike, you do not need to generate large intermediate php files and the migrated entries will not be stored as HTML.

The script can migrate from MT to Drupal 4.4.1, Drupal CVS and also Drupal 4 Bloggers. It will migrate:

a) all your bloggers
b) all your defined categories
c) all your entries including body, excerpt, extended (in 4.4.1 & CVS, it is stored as bodyextended and in D4B formatting rules are also preserved)
d) all your comments (with anonymous support, in CVS and D4B)
e) all incoming trackbacks (stored as comments)
f) all your outgoing trackbacks (D4B only)
g) all your trackbacks trackers (D4B only)

It will also keep your permalink by using URL aliases in Drupal. (enable path.module). You can also migrate MT into an existing Drupal installation. You can see the migrated site of this blog at (Running D4B of cos :-)

Disclaimer: While I tried to test it as much as I can and that it works for me, I give no assurance it will work for you. So backup all your database before you attempt this.

June 8th, 2004

Drupal 4 Bloggers v0.7

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simple-screenshot-small.PNGJust release Drupal 4 Bloggers v0.7. This is a major release with lots of changes and bugfixes.

One of the most difficult to use Drupal as a blog is customzing the look-and-feel. It is almost impossible to do without some php programming knowledge which is beyond most bloggers – you are pretty much struck with what Drupal themes offers. This is one area where MT definately shines with its simple to use template tags. Well, wait no more! You can do likewise in Drupal 4 Bloggers v0.7 now :-)

There are also numerous bugfixes including the autodiscovery in trackbacks (thanks to drumm and crschmidt) and I also fold the contributed patch from mervissen. Thanks!

Please note that there are four database changes in this release. Please read the release notes before attempting to upgrade. As usual, bugs, patches and feature requests would be appreciated.

ps: Incidently, I need some help to document down the tags you can use for templating. Email me if you wish to help! Thanks.