
Michael Powell’s blog

Got the news that Michael Powell, chairman of FCC started a blog on AlwaysOn (via Interesting-People)

I am participating in Always On Network’s blog to hear from the tech community directly and try to get beyond the traditional inside the Beltway Washington world where lobbyists filter the techies. I am looking forward to an open, transparent and meritocracy-based communication— attributes that bloggers are famous for!?

Check out what he is blogging! Welcome onboard, Sire!

Just one comment: Why Always On, a supposingly blogging site “Powered by Geeks like you” yet operated just like a news site. (No, it is worst! It doesn’t provide any RSS feeds for each author and forcing you to register to do anything more). I can understand you probably want a hosted service but Typepad and would be so much nicer.

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