Futurist Internet Telephony VoIP

FCC Roundtable discussion on IP-based Services

FCC conducted a Global Roundtable discussion on IP-based services (basically just VoIP) 2 days ago (30th July) and the webcast is available online. (via Jeff Pulver). Yes, I sit infront of the computer for 2 hours and listen the whole webcast and here are some of my thoughts: 1. (Obvious) Take away: Regulation certainity is […]

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ICANN IDN Workshop

I am back in KL today for the ICANN IDN Workshop. Yes, I am one of the unnamed speaker for the morning session chair’ed by Sharil and Vint Cerf. John Klensin basically took over the stage giving a tutorial of the higher level problem, the Internationalization or more accurately the multilingualism of the Internet. John […]

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You know it is hype…

when a “bluetooth-enabled mobile phone peer-to-peer social network service” (is there any more hype-word you can use?) known as BEDD is launch in your own country (ie. Singapore) carrying their news in Reuters syndicated to ITU (no local newspaper?). But surprisingly, you have no idea of the service and no one you know knows about […]

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Pre-ICANN meeting

I am in Kuala Lumpur this wekend to give an overview of IDN to Government Advisory Committee of ICANN. This ICANN meeting seem to be political charged, surrounding mainly on the 15M USD proposed budget for ICANN and heated discussion in ccNSO. There are also some discussion about new sponsorred TLD and and .net redelegation. […]

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APEET ICANN IDN Internet Travel

Going up to ICANN…

Just concluded a successful APEET meeting in Singapore (thanks you!) and I am getting to leave for Kuala Lumpur in 10mins time. But before I leave, I thought of leaving two interesting news I saw today. First, is a report of Verisign SiteFinder by Steve Crocker (a representive of Security and Stability Advisory Committee of […]

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