Back from ICANN…

I feel quite bad to controdiact Vint Cerf in the open forum but my comment that whether to have IDN Top Level Domain is an ICANN issues and not IETF was well-received with an applause from the audience. So I am really glad that ICANN board passing the resolution to form a new President committee on IDN and gave acknowledgement to the RFC 3743 JET Guidelines ;-) I wish we could have more concrete action plan but at least this is a start. I believe we should also try to rope in the Arabic community, particularly those who are doing real work on the ground like GCC. I may not agree with everything they do (like the alt. Arabic root) but I respect them for doing work to move their community forward.

I stayed on one more day because Jonanthan from BBC World wants to do an interview with me on IDN issues (in my personal capacity of cos). We end up wandering various part of Chinatown in KL looking for interesting location shots. It is suppose to be shown 2 weeks from now and I wonder how it will look like…too bad I dont subscribe to cable.

Incidently, the corridors conversations, bar and dinners discussions clearly indicate the recovery of this industry. I feel I am back in the dotcom days with companies investing in new ideas. If the last ICANN is gloomy, this one certainly feel good!

[Update 31st July: Jonanthan informed me the radio session is now available on BBC Webcast]

[Update 10th Aug: the TV interview is also available online]

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