Pre-ICANN meeting

I am in Kuala Lumpur this wekend to give an overview of IDN to Government Advisory Committee of ICANN. This ICANN meeting seem to be political charged, surrounding mainly on the 15M USD proposed budget for ICANN and heated discussion in ccNSO. There are also some discussion about new sponsorred TLD and and .net redelegation. […]

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APEET ICANN IDN Internet Travel

Going up to ICANN…

Just concluded a successful APEET meeting in Singapore (thanks you!) and I am getting to leave for Kuala Lumpur in 10mins time. But before I leave, I thought of leaving two interesting news I saw today. First, is a report of Verisign SiteFinder by Steve Crocker (a representive of Security and Stability Advisory Committee of […]

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Technology Travel

Apple WWDC

I am here at the Apple WWDC 2004 in San Francisco. The stuffs Steve Jobs revealed are amazing: from 30inch Apple display (drool) to multiparty video conference in OS X 10.4 Tiger using H.264 codec. Tiger also feature stuff like integrated Search in the file system which makes Sherlock like childplay and cool stuff like […]

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Random Musing Travel

Sharing Wifi

Was about to leave for the pre-WWDC party tonight when I saw someone wandering at the corridor with his Apple notebook, scanning with Mac Stumbler for an open Wifi network he can use. So I asked him wait while I go back to my room, turn on my Airport sharing and let him access the […]

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Random Musing Travel

Supernova 2004 Day 1

Finally, I understand why Supernova has a “Get Connected” tagline. (Oh, check out Supernova blog. Fast Company also have a very good blog transcripting the event.) The human network here is incredible, many cool people, many CEOs, MDs and VCs and many bloggers. And it is nice to meet some old friends (John Patrick, Adam […]

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Flying to Bay Area

I am packing my stuff and flying to Bay Area in a few hours time. I will be attending Supernova 2004 and also Apple World Wide Developer Conference 2004 and meeting some pretty cool people! Oh, please sign up for pre-conference dinner which is open to anyone whether you’re going to attend Supernova or not. […]

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