APEET Internet Travel

Kyoto Day 1

Have breakfast at Suguru Yamaguchi. I know him when he is still a “young” professor many years ago but now, he is the IT Security Advisor to the Japan Cabinet and Prime Minister. Wow very important person now! Anyway, have a little discussion with him on privacy and asked him to hook up with Joi. […]

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Off to Kyoto

Off to Kyoto now for APRICOT 2005. Sleep really late last night (3am) and have to wake up at 6am to rush for the flight and almost couldn’t make it. Luckily I did because I have a dinner to rush to immediate upon arrival. Oops, last call now. See you in Kyoto!

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APAN Bangkok

I am in the airport lounge again, waiting to fly to Bangkok for APAN (Asia Pacific Advance Network). Most people probably never heard of APAN because it belongs to the world of academics but it is fairly similar to Internet2 in US. Anyway, I attend APAN once in a while when there is something going […]

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Out of New York

Dinner with Arun followed by an early meeting with Jeff Pulver. Spend a little more then 3hrs at Jeff’s office and it is an interesting experience to see how pulver.com works :-) [Update: Jeff posted the picture on his blog :-)] Have to leave after lunch immediately to catch my flight to Cape Town for […]

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