Off to Bali

apricot2005.gifI am off to Bali for a quick trip. The purpose of the trip is to look at the proposed venue for APRICOT 2007 (yes, 2007 ;-).

Speaking of APRICOT, 2005 will be held in Kyoto late next month. I haven’t been back to Kyoto since my honeymoon two years ago and I been looking forward to it, altho looking at my schedule, it is unlikely I have any chances to do sightseeing. Anyway, come join us at APRICOT 2005 if you can. The early bird discount has been extended until end of Jan so do so quickly!

ps: Oh yea, Michael Everson also happened to be in Bali right now. Original plan is to meet up with him in Singapore before he flies China for SC2 meeting but I think we can catch up in Bali instead. :-)

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