
APAN Bangkok

I am in the airport lounge again, waiting to fly to Bangkok for APAN (Asia Pacific Advance Network). Most people probably never heard of APAN because it belongs to the world of academics but it is fairly similar to Internet2 in US.

Anyway, I attend APAN once in a while when there is something going on there that interest me (the last time I attend it is in Korea 2 years back for Antispam). This time, it is the EC funded project TEIN2 or Trans-Eurasia Information Network that will link education and research network between Europe and Asia. I am scheduled to give a presentation at tomorrow TEIN2 meeting. More about it tomorrow.

(The VoIP group in APAN is also interesting but wasn’t really matured yet)

Oh yea, I am going to have dinner with Goto & Konishi later. (They have been the pillars of APAN). I haven’t seem them for a least one year so it is a nice reunion. I am also trying trying to hook up with Simon but somehow we having a little trouble.

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