Travel VoIP

Reflections on VON

Finally, today is the last day of VON. So many things happened here that I can hardly catch my breath. It is time to sit down and reflect what I learn about VON. 1. This is the largest VON ever – 6,000+ people! (congz to This huge turn out means VoIP is no longer […]

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Tokyo Day 6

Woke up late – This means less time for me at Akihabara which is a mistake because PSP is back in stock! I thought, hey, I could pick it up on my way back – duh! By the time I make one round, 4 hours gone and I have to rush off for my next […]

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Kyoto Day 5

I survived the hectic week! Phew. And the trial went beautifully … Everyone loves it so much so that only 1 person return the phone on the last day, altho we have a long waiting lists of people wanting a set. Anyway, we will publish the results of the trial soon. APEET have a quick […]

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Kyoto Day 4

Took most of my morning trying to do my presentation for the evening while sitting thru Asia Pacific IPv6 Summit. Sad to say, looks like IPv6 isn’t moving here as much as we want…I guess we have to keep trying. I escaped presenting at this summit this time because I really dont have much update […]

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APEET Travel

Kyoto Day 3

Couldn’t sleep and woke up at 6am. Went downstair to do my emails, met Toru Takahashi and went breakfast with him. Found out from him that one of his company is going IPO…again. To be exact, third time now. Remember, the last time I met him in Korea a year ago, same thing happened. Dunno […]

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APEET Travel

Kyoto Day 2

[In case it is still not obvious, all my travel entries are really for my wife (and my boss) who wants to know what I have been up to.] Started early and have breakfast with Marc Blanchet, the former co-chair of IDN WG with me. Anyway, Marc is back doing IPv6 and his small startup […]

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