APEET Travel

Kyoto Day 3

apeet-dinner-kyoto.jpgCouldn’t sleep and woke up at 6am. Went downstair to do my emails, met Toru Takahashi and went breakfast with him. Found out from him that one of his company is going IPO…again. To be exact, third time now. Remember, the last time I met him in Korea a year ago, same thing happened. Dunno it is me or what but congz to him :-)

Then spend the whole day chairing the Internet Telephony track at APRICOT. Richard already blogged about it so I won’t repeat here.

Went to lunch with Dave Crocker who is trying to explain CSV (smtp authentication and accreditation) idea to me on antispam. Neat idea.

The highlight of the day must be APEET dinner. JPRS managed to find a very nice Japanese restaurant – a bit out of the way but great ambience, excellent Japanese food. Most of all, all of us enjoyed ourselves; I lost track how much I drank but I think I managed to make it back to the hotel on foot…

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