
Communities Dominate Brands

Communities Dominate Brands by Tomi T. Ahonen & Alan Moore Actually I have not buy this book yet but I have it on my Amazon wishlist. I met up with Tomi1 last Friday who is in town to give some talks on 3G. We spend a couple of hours debating on various technology development; I […]

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Random Musing

My Music Baton

Okay, I got the musical baton from mrbrown so must give face to Singapore Number One Funny Man. Total volume of music files on my computer: 14.87Gb – 3895 songs – 11.3 days The last CD I bought was: Sonates pour piano n° 14, 8 & 23 – Alfred Brendel Five Songs I listen to […]

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JiuZhaiGou Day 3

If sitting on the bus for 6 hours is bad, try walking for 6 hours :P That’s what we did yesterday walking through JiuZhaiGou Valley. But gosh, it is worth it!   (Bamboo Lake is the place where they filmed the beautiful water scene in Hero (英雄))

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IDN Travel

JiuZhaiGou Day 2

We managed to wrap up and conclude CDNC meeting by the morning (incidently, it is a good meeting – I am glad I am here!). So we decided to visit the famous 扎嘎瀑布 (Zhaga Waterfall) in the afternoon.    (you can see Prof. Qian waving if you look at the photo carefully ;-)

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IDN Travel


Woke up very early for CDNC meeting but what a view to wake up to:   (click here to see outside view) Anyway, we have a long day. But it is worth it as we achieved a lot. Looks like we going to have an exciting time ahead ;-)

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