
IP over SFSS

RFC 4824 The Transmission of IP Datagrams over the Semaphore Flag Signaling System (SFSS): This document specifies IP-SFS, a method for the encapsulation and transmission of IPv4/IPv6 packets over the Semaphore Flag Signaling System (SFSS). The SFSS is an internationally recognized alphabetic communication system based upon the waving of a pair of hand-held flags [JCroft, […]

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IKEA Walkthrough Guide

For all (gamer) men out there who has wifes (or girlfriends) with IKEA addiction. IKEA WALKTHROUGH v2.3.1 IKEA is a fully immersive, 3D environmental adventure that allows you to role-play the character of someone who gives a shit about home furnishings. In traversing IKEA, you will experience a meticulously detailed alternate reality filled with garish […]

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