Random Musing

Quoted in the papers

It started with a SMS from my boss: “Saw your blog quoted dbs in straits times today”. And I learnt it is not such a good idea to reply “Huh?” at this point in time. So quickly, I flipped through the papers and found the article written by Grace Ng, taking quotes out of my DBS Phishing entry.

Mr James Seng, assistant director of enabler technologies at the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, posted a warning at 7.47pm on Sunday. He said in his weblog that the bogus-email message “actually comes from hostpymes.com, registered to someone called Soria, Luis based in Peru”.

There goes my effort to try to stay out of the local papers.

*Raise my hand* Honestly, I have no idea they going to quote my blog. I wasn’t informed of this prior by anyone either. Now, I can’t complain of me been misquoted. (If anything else, they actually corrected my grammar hahaha. Thanks for not making me look stupid! :-) Neither was it a badly written article (I actually think it was pretty well written!). And since I put my blog on Creative Commons, I cant complain they use my quotes either.

But if they have contacted me first, I would have stop her from mentioning IDA. As I said in my disclaimer, I speak for myself and myself only. While the reference to IDA wasn’t inaccurate, it does create an impression I am speaking for IDA, which I don’t. You might as well shoot me now, before my corporate communication people calls me. *sigh*

Anyway, the article as is below. As I said, it was pretty well-written. Kudos.st-article-on-dbs-phishing.jpg

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