Futurist Internet


正和岛的朋友大家好。很荣幸被邀请在这个群内与大家分享与交流。今天我要说的话题是「传统企业互联网转型」。 在开始之前。。。 一,在过程中,我将稍作暂停以便大家提出意见与问题。我希望这是个互动交流。三人之行,必有我师。我更希望能有互动也能向各位学习。 二,我会分享预先准备的演讲稿。交流完毕后会整理发给大家。我也会把内容发布在网上微博微信。为了保证各位的隐私,我不会发布各位在群内的互动内容,所以请大家放心畅所欲言。 三,今天参与的这个互动我仅代表我个人意见。 好的,言归正传:「传统企业互联网转型」

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Futurist IDA

Singapore National Broadband Network

Several weeks ago, Dr Lee Boon Yang, Minister for Information, Communications And The Arts, announced the launch of the RFP National Broadband Network (NBN) project for Singapore. The NBN project comes with a carrot of S$750m is a passive optical network fiber to the home (FTTH) that “will offer pervasive and competitively priced ultra high-speed […]

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How to think like Leonardo…

How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci (via Dewayne-Net): In business, it’s important to employ ambidextrous employees — people who have business and technology skills. For they can imagine the future. If you don’t employ multi-talented professionals, you lose out on business oportunities that cannot be imagined by the linear worker. Yep, how true! It […]

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Futurist Technology

Ericsson closing down THE Bluetooth unit

Does this means the Bluetooth is dying? (via isen.blog) Ericsson is pulling the plug on its technology licensing unit, the wholly-owned subsidiary which invented Bluetooth wireless technology and became the driving force behind the company’s Bluetooth initiative. Or does that means they give up collecting royalty for Bluetooth and therefore, drive more adoption of Bluetooth? […]

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IM and Metcalfe’s Law

Bill Koff, VP of Leading Edge Forum from CSC, is in town doing some project with us. And he gave a 2 hour presentation on some of work and we have several interesting discussions. One of the discussion reminded me of Metcalfe’s Law and its importances to IM. As companies started to introduce IM into […]

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