Random Musing


I know I haven’t been blog for more then a week…and nope, I havent disappear nor have I forgotten about this blog. I am just a little busy … My day work involve dealing with people management, technologies, trials, planning my trips for APT-ITU IDN/ENUM Workshop in May and Supernova in June and writing papers, […]

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Futurist Random Musing

Disruptive Technologies

One of my responsiblity at work involved identifying and monitoring disruptive technologies, especially infocomm technologies that will drastically change the economic, business and social landscape in Singapore. But what is disruptive technologies and how do you identify them? In the classic Crossing the Chasm, Geoff Moore describe a Technology Adoption Lifecycle Curve1. The curve is […]

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Random Musing

Email on any devices

Took me quite a few weekends but I finally ported my mails on a (Courier) IMAP server with Qmail, Spamassassin and TMDA. (anti-virus not up yet tho…). It feels damn good to know I can access 5 years of e-mail on any machines and devices: from my desktop, my notebooks, powerbook and even my Sharp […]

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Random Musing


I really really wish I am now at WTF2004, a gathering of S.M.A.R.T people. I am missing out all the fun :-( But in anycase, I participated virtually and have tuned in a few session tonight. The audio keep breaking up but I managed to get some piece of it here. Of interest is Eli […]

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Random Musing


Blogging have slow down: work, work and work. That’s what I get for been traveling for the last two weeks. :-( Oh, my baby girl just has its first month celebration. A local tradition where relatives and friends come to your place to admire your baby, make a lot of noises and then leave with […]

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