William posted one very interesting spam : Spam in ASCII art! ps: William is one of the two rare programmers I come across in my entire carrer.
Photos from KL
Joi just uploaded photos from the KL gathering on flickr and here is one good summary of it (made by Joi of cos, using Comic Life :-) Brown cow! :-) *laugh*
Back from Road Trip
Here’s are two stories from our road trip that I am sure mrbrown wouldn’t tell you: a) We arrived a bit late to the party so the table was almost full when we arrived. As I introduced mrbrown to Joi, there was a soft rambling across the whole table ‘mrbrown..brown..brown..own..owned!’. There is no doubt mrbrown […]
A perfect example of “rip, remix and share” culture! Sound from the preview of Matrix and video clips from various scene Naruto, all of them splice together in perfect timing (including the mouth synchronization :-) Let it go and watch creativity prosper!
Road Trip
Okay, mrbrown already blogged about it but yea, two of us are doing a road trip to Kuala Lumpur to join Joi’s party tonight. Part of the reason to do this trip is because I been looking forward to meet some Malaysia bloggers (and Joi of cos), and the other part is because mrbrown is […]
NTU developed smallest antenna
Okay, apparently I missed this news in the papers two days ago (yea, I dont read papers anymore) but luckily, I picked it up from Xinhanet. Wow, Xinhuanet reporting a news in Singapore :-) Developed by NTU researchers, the circuit antenna boasts of less than 17 millimeters in width, similar to the diameter of the […]
Two Congratulations
Today, Doug Barton of IANA announced that AfriNIC got their first AS (36864-37887) and IPv4 allocation (41/8). That’s mean they are finally operational. Congratulation! It has been a long journey! I also learnt an old friend Jay Chang was appointed as Deputy CFO of Tom.com (via xinhuanet and also on forbes). Couldn’t get in touch […]
Cell phone with onboard video projector
Siemen is working on a phone which can project the screen and a keyboard onto the table (see left pic) (via BoingBoing). This sound very much like an extension of the Virtual Keyboard (see right pic). Unfortunately, the Virtual Keyboard does not work so well, at least for me. But good to see they trying […]
Stupid network is a Stupid Idea
This was presented by Roderick Randall, Senior Managing Director of Vesbridge Partners at the 21st Century Communication. First thing come to my mind: Stupid. Yes, he made good argument about the need for price differentiation but it is nothing new. Different people attach different value to the same service; that voice call to your doctor […]
Skype Kiosk
There are a lot of kiosk around in Japan – you know, the kind where you can pay bills, buy tickets. Most of this kiosk already have Internet connection and usually comes with a handset beside it (so you can pick up the phone and get help). I suppose it does not take a genius […]