I tried to ground myself last month (April) so I can do some catch up with daywork in office. One month passed and the inbox is still a piled of work. I wasn’t very successful in grounding myself either having ended up doing two short trip last month. So I cancelled my trip to Internet2 […]
Chinese Calligraphy
Dr. Sun Yat-sen, founder of ROC, late chairman of KMT (via Bing Feng) I always have a soft spot for Chinese Calligraphy.
Growing Pains
Blogging has been slow lately – I have too much fun doing Tomorrow.sg. I was involved a little doing mostly the technical infrastructure for Tomorrow and the last few days I have been fighting with a huge load problem. The server running Tomorrow.sg is being pushed to its limits, thanks to all the traffic on […]
Blog will change your business
On the latest Businessweek cover: Blogs will change your business. Look past the yakkers, hobbyists, and political mobs. Your customers and rivals are figuring blogs out. Our advice: Catch up…or catch you later. How true how true!
SIP is Dead…Huh?
Okay I admit I have been slow in the catching up with my blog last week. Tomorrow.sg is taking quite a bit of time (which btw, is coming along pretty well). But in my semi-absent last week, SIP was declared dead. Huh? Now, Martin made a lot of good points and I agree with him […]
VoIP Podcast
Stuart and myself did a podcast interview on VoIP two weeks ago. Man, I sound pretty bad in the beginning but if you hear beyond my first 15sec, I think I did okay.
Competitive Addressing
Since Houlin Zhao (Director of ITU-TSB) proposed the country-based approach towards IPv6 allocation, there have been several forums with debates on the topic. As expected, many of the the “Internet people” rejected the idea outright mostly on prejudge bias. Few are able to put forward very concrete answer to ‘but what’s wrong with the idea […]
Global Broadband Pentration
Okay, this maybe an old news, only found it in my email when I was clearing them out. (Sorry Bob!) – ITU has just released its new statistics on global broadband penetration as of 1 January 2005. Not sure the rest of the statistic but the line for Singapore looks a bit funny – perhaps […]
What happened to my blogs?
Something is going on today: Many of the blogs I read today has been redirected to pairNIC, a domain name registrar. None of them have expired domain names but they have some in common – registered by pairNIC and hosted on typepad.com redirected via blogs.com. After some investigations, it seem that the problem is isolated […]
A Better Tomorrow
mrbrown has a great summary of the blogger dinner we have last night (waliao! posted at 2:31am. you win!) so go check it out. The two pretty ladies on the right were the two most famous female bloggers in Singapore xiaxue and adri (actually i was sitting between them but you don’t want to spoilt […]