Microsoft-bashing has always being a favourite pastime for many geeks so I wasn’t surprised when I got anti-Microsoft spam in my inbox. Whats was surprising was that it was send by a group called SPAMIS – Strategic Partnership Against Microsoft Illegal Spam. Sorry, when you fight spam with spam, you lost all your creditability – […]
Its all about Numbers
Two news from IDA regarding numbers and numbers :-) 1. Public consultation on Number Portability (pdf) IDA intends to review the implementation for number portability for fixed line and mobile telecommunications services in Singapore. The review is in with IDA’s policy objectives of promoting competition in the infocommunications sector to benefit of consumers and businesses […]
Slow blogging week
No, I have not disappear again, just busy week but looks like things are settling down. Anyway, here is a quick update: 1. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 Linux Study Group (LSG) held their meeting in Singapore last week. LSG is transposing Linux Standard Base into an ISO standard and this is the final meeting to discuss comments […]
Stories behind .XXX
I wrote about the Fiasco of .XXX few days ago. A casual observer might conclude the following: 1. ICANN board approved .XXX 2. US government (DoC) halt .XXX delegation 3. GAC stepped in one day after (2) to give US governments it some legimitacy However, there is another different explaination of the realty which is […]
More about Google Talk
I did some packet sniffing and look at how Google Talk works. 1. Google Talk is Jabber (XMPP) compliant. Here is what it send for authentication <stream:stream to=”” version=”1.0″ xmlns:stream=”” xmlns=”jabber:client”> <stream:features> <starttls xmlns=”urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls”/> <mechanisms xmlns=”urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl”> <mechanism>X-GOOGLE-TOKEN</mechanism> </mechanisms> </stream:features> <auth xmlns=”urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl” mechanism=”X-GOOGLE-TOKEN”<(Some hash, presume Google Token)</auth> Then followed by the standard presence information etc. Interestingly, […]
Google Talk
Google just launched their Google Talk! First, I have to eat my own words – I predicted that Google will enter VoIP space focusing on their search capability but instead, they revolve it around their Gmail expanding the communication capability instead. Now, on to the good news, Google embraced Open Standard! Not only the IM […]
APAN Day Zero
Someone left a comment asking me what’s APAN or Asia Pacific Advance Network. It is a meeting where AP network researchers get together to discussing advance networking issues and also a place where Advance Research and Education Network (AREN) (and also the GRID lately) people gather to discuss network collobration. SingAREN is the representative for […]
APAN Taiwan
Had a great lunch meeting with my fellows editors of Now, we need to go back do some more thinking on the next step. And now, I just checked into Howard Plaza Hotel for APAN Taipei.
Where is FCC heading?
Scott Bradner’s latest article is a must-read. I come to similiar observation, that FCC seem to be moving further and further right ever since the new Chairman is in. The last few critical rulings on 911 on VoIP, Naked DSL has sided towards the incumbents and less on the consumers. I know FCC is basically […]
Fiasco over .XXX
By now, everyone in the industry already know about the .XXX fiasco. If you don’t, here is a quick summary. – ICANN approved the .XXX delegation to ICMRegistry on 1st June. ICMRegistry announced it will be operational on 16th August. – Michael Gallagher requested Vint Cerf to delay .XXX delegation on 11th August. Michael Gallagher […]