
Google buying Youtube

Market is buzzing with rumours that Google is making an offer for Youtube for US$1.6B. As of last checked, there are over 800 news article similar to the one on International Herald Tribune: The Internet search leader, Google, is in talks to acquire the popular online video site YouTube for about $1.6 billion, The Wall […]

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Technology Travel


I got the most interesting speaker gift this trip: Flexopower, a portable solar battery charger for mobile phone made by a company in Johannesburg. I havent got the time to play with it but it sound pretty cool. Hey, now I can continue to make phone calls under the hot sun! I also visited a […]

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VoIP in Namibia

Was listening to Ferdinand Tjombe talking about VoIP in Namibia.    Recently (12th May), five Chinese nationals was arrested in Namibia for using “VoIP technology”. The process was driven by incumbent operator. The interesting part is that the Chinese nationals was not given bail (when murderers and rapists does!). The telecommunication legislation in Nambia was […]

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Gartner Hype Cycle 2006

Gartner just publish their latest hype cycle for 2006 and their shortlist of IT technologies to watch. 1. Web 2.0 : Social Network Analysis (SNA), Ajax, Collective intelligence, Mashup 2. Real World Web : Location-aware technologies, Location-aware applications, Sensor Mesh Networks 3. Applications Architecture : Event-driven Architecture (EDA), Model-driven Architecture, Corporate Semantic Web Web 2.0 […]

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Books IDN


Prof. Goto gave me a copy of this book last week at the APAN meeting. It is a book about the history of IDN and the long journey we took to reach “日本語.jp”. :-) I wish my Japanese is good enough to read it tho. But flipping through the book, I saw names and photos […]

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VoIP in Malaysia

I havent wrote about VoIP for a while so let me try here. I suppose I could write about the Vonage, about them being sued over E911, sued for patents infrigement, sued by shareholders and the fact their share price dropped by half since IPO. The latter was kind of embarrassing for me as I […]

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