Technology Travel

Apple WWDC

I am here at the Apple WWDC 2004 in San Francisco. The stuffs Steve Jobs revealed are amazing: from 30inch Apple display (drool) to multiparty video conference in OS X 10.4 Tiger using H.264 codec. Tiger also feature stuff like integrated Search in the file system which makes Sherlock like childplay and cool stuff like […]

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There is stupid, and there is Stupid

Telepocalypse has an interesting article about when it’s dumb to be stupid. This was observed and codified by some smart people at Sun over a decade ago as the Eight Fallacies of Networking. 1. The network is reliable. 2. Latency is zero. 3. Bandwidth is infinite. 4. The network is secure. 5. Topology doesn’t change. […]

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ENUM Internet


I have a very interesting dinner last night with Michael Robertson and Jeff Bonforte, CEO and President of respectively. Most people will know Michael as the founder of and Lindows. They are in town for their big announcement with Singtel. (Yes, 1-747-xxx-xxxx will be routed from Singapore soon :-) It is a social […]

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I have a long breakfast with Patrick Gannon, CEO of OASIS regarding the progress made by the FWSI TC or Framework for Web Services Implementation1 Technical Committee. Both of us are have high hopes for TC. You see, if WS is to be the become the infrastructure-platform where machine-to-machine communicates to each another, then what […]

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IDN Internet Travel


I am flying tonight to Dubai to give a presentation on IDN at the RIPE-NCC meeting (the European Regional Internet Registries). I will be talking abit on IDN-OSS, hopefully getting more support for the project. :-) You can find my presentation here. This is my first trip to Dubai. Heard a lot of good stuff […]

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