Open Source ENUM SDK and Client

Got this in my inbox from APEET mailing list :-) JPRS released ENUM SDK and ENUM Client as Free Software. Please visit our Web site: ENUM Info from JPRS Software Libraries http://jprs.co.jp/enum/software/software.html ENUM SDK includes DLL for Windows and VB/VC++ sample code. ENUM Client is a reference application of ENUM using ENUM SDK. Based on […]

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Futurist Technology

Ericsson closing down THE Bluetooth unit

Does this means the Bluetooth is dying? (via isen.blog) Ericsson is pulling the plug on its technology licensing unit, the wholly-owned subsidiary which invented Bluetooth wireless technology and became the driving force behind the company’s Bluetooth initiative. Or does that means they give up collecting royalty for Bluetooth and therefore, drive more adoption of Bluetooth? […]

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Open Source Travel VoIP

Day 3 at IETF

Actually I wasn’t at IETF. Instead, I went out to visit Lindows (aka Linspire) and SIPPhone.com who is based in UTC in San Diego. I met Michael Robertson about a couple of months ago in Singapore and this is basically a courtesy call to catch up on things. Michael is not in town unfortunately, but […]

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