Technology Travel

ETech Day 2

Few more things I picked up at ETech Day 2 a) James Larsson, power hacker, showed some amazing hacks he done. Some stuff he did is amazing (and pretty dangerous!) Like turning his old CRT into a mouse trap (8Mb AVI :-) He delivered the whole thing in such a funny manner that everyone was […]

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Technology Travel

ETech Day 1

Here are a few things I picked up on ETech Day 1 a) Daniel Hillis from Applied Minds demostrated some video clips with very cool user interface they developing. Looks like a huge LCD/Plasma on a table, it is able to display map, zooming in, out, pan and flip through ‘layers’ etc very intuitively. And […]

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Chinese Technology

Mobile Dating Sim

Looks like Mobile Dating Sim has reached in China (via xinhuanet) 记者日前了解到,曾经在年轻人中风靡一时的饲养电子宠物的游戏如今已有了“升级版”——用手机养“虚拟情人”成了现在最流行的一种玩法。有专家指出,这类游戏的流行不仅会损害女性形象,让人将感情培养功利化,更严重的会影响游戏玩家的身心健康和人格发展。 Mobile Games like 口袋情人 [Pocket Lover] (typical Japanese dating Sim) and SMS Games like 宠物情人 [Pet Lover] is getting popular in China and experts are concern about the social effects of such games on youngsters. These games don’t come cheap either – the […]

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Books VoIP


Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell (the author of The Tipping Point) Absolutely love the book. And I can relate to the many stories cited by Malcolm especially about intuition – sometimes people asked me how I know what technology to focus – I don’t know how but I just […]

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Travel VoIP

Reflections on VON

Finally, today is the last day of VON. So many things happened here that I can hardly catch my breath. It is time to sit down and reflect what I learn about VON. 1. This is the largest VON ever – 6,000+ people! (congz to This huge turn out means VoIP is no longer […]

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Blogging VoIP

VON Blogger Panel

I have a lot of fun at the VoIP Blogger session with Andy Abramson, Dan Brekke, Jeff Pulver, Om Malik, Aswath Rao and Tom Keating. I am also pretty amazed at the numbers of people in the audience who read blogs and also blog themselves. Particularly, it is quite clear that most people read our […]

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Michael Gallagher at VON

Michael Gallagher is the Assistant Secretary, US Dept of Commerce. Apparently, his title does not do him justice : He actually advises the President on ICT development in US. Anyway, he sound like campaigning for the President ;-) but it has been very informative filled with data, President’s policies and how it is affecting the […]

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