IDA Technology

Interview with Digital Life

Last week, we had an interview with Aaran Tan (of Digital Life) in IDA. He is looking for something to write on Semantic Web so we took an opportunity to show him the Digital Content Exchange prototype. The article was published today. Overall, great article for a layman to understand Semantic Web (he removed all […]

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JET Open Letter to Microsoft

— Original in PDF format — Mr. Steve Ballmer Chief Executive Officer Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Cc: Mr. Bill Gates Chairman and Chief Software Architect Microsoft Corporation   Cc: Mr. Michel Suignard Senior Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Dear Mr. Ballmer,  We, members of the JET (Joint Engineering Team), send this open […]

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Funny IDN

April Fool RFCs

While normal human beings celebrate April Fools by making publishing their transparent desktop picture on national newspaper, geeks publish standards like UTF-9/UTF-18 and Morality requirements for Routing. Look, geeks can be funny too! (ie, if you can understand the joke :-) Anyway, IETF has a traditional to publish April Fool RFCs and I always watch […]

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